Thankful Thoughts

Hey everyone! It’s been about two months since we last had a chat, and I figured it’s about time to give you an idea of what’s going on in the life of Dan and De. šŸ˜‰ I mean, you just live to know all about our lives, right? Just kidding, I just know that a lot of you are praying for us- which is something that we cherish more than words can express, so I want you to know what’s going on and why I’ve been quiet.

The good news is, there isn’t much to report in regards to my health. So, I’ll give you a quick overview and then get to some fun stuff. šŸ˜€ So here’s the load down. I’ve been having some weird off-the-wall type symptoms. We’re talking head scratchers here. The one that had me totally freaked out is that I experience random chest/ heart pain and it’s pretty intense. Don’t worry, we’ve had a whole gambit of testing done and they can’t tell me what’s wrong. SO… basically I’m fine. It freaks Dan out though.LOL. I’m still having neuropathy in my feet and my hair is seriously falling out or at least that’s what it feels like.Oh, and I can’t forget my random little seizures- they’re my constant friends. Don’t worry though, you can’t tell when I have one, my eyesight just goes and for those of you wondering what it’s like, imagine having glasses to see and then taking off your glasses and EVERYTHING is SUPER blurry and you can tell where things are and that something is there and what color it is, just not fully sure what it is… THAT. So if that’s as bad as it gets, I’m not complaining.Ā šŸ˜‰ I’m starting to get my fiery spirit back and while I can’t wake up at my desired 5am, I am usually up by 9am- which is an improvement from 1pm! So hey! I’ll take it!! So, am I getting better? Yes, slowly- like a sloth. Do I feel back to “me”- not really. I feel like there’s something I’m missing, but I’m still waiting to hear back if my Lyme is still active or if it’s in remission, and that will determine a lot about further treatment and where we go from here.

Now for the fun stuff- told you it would be quick on the health! This week is Thanksgiving, and it’s had me thinking a lot about how thankful I truly am for this crazy little life that Dan and I have been given. It hasn’t turned out anything like we thought (we thought that we’d be in our 2nd year overseas…) but everything has worked out for our greater good. I’m grateful for those who have been praying for us, those who have made meals for us, who have encouraged us and those who have simply walked along side us during this incredibly long journey and are sharing in our life with us. This blog was started to share our overseas life with you, and instead has simply become our mundane everyday life and how I’m doing health wise (let’s face it, it was scary last year- I have photos to prove it). I’m thankful for all of it. I’m grateful for a husband who makes me laugh and who provides for me and is studying like crazy this year (yup, that’s pretty much all Dan does). While right now our life is boring, I’m grateful for it. Do I miss walking the streets of Tokyo and going to eat Ramen? YES! I won’t deny it at all. But I’m so grateful to be back home with those who love us and to see friends and family who we didn’t think we’d see for three years at least.

In fact,Ā a few weeks ago, all of Dan’s siblings were in town. Yes, we live near one but his sister from Connecticut came in with her daughter (her husband couldn’t make this trip) and his brother flew in from Texas. To give you an idea of how big of a deal this is, the last time everyone was altogether was at our wedding, just over two years ago. So my mother in law was thrilled to have all her kids home, and of course we got family photos to commemorate the occasion. These are the kind of things we miss out on when we live far away. While the reason we’re home isn’t a “good” reason, our time here is precious and we are cherishing it.

Now, I told you how much I cherish my husband our relationship. To give you an idea of “us” and how we are…just the other night Dan and I were driving home and the heat in our one car apparently isn’t the best (this was news to us). If you know me, you know I HATE the cold, and I’m not happy about winter making its debut. I’m REALLY not happy that I saw flurries and it’s only November, and I’m a wimp. Dan on the other hand is a human heater and can take the cold with a grain of salt. For some ungodly reason it doesn’t bother him. The following conversation ACTUALLY happened. I seriously need to record our conversations because I’m not exaggerating this…

Me: Dan it’s cold, turn down the air until it warms up. (I have the sweater he took off OVER my head like a hat.)

Dan: It’s not that bad there’s just a twinge of cold. Like when you take a bath and the water is warm but there’s just that twinge of cool water.

Me: That’s called cold water and AC! Turn it off I’m freezing!

Dan: (Laughing) That’s pretty good, okay.. okay.

*Waits a few minutes to turn back on the air to check it out*

Me: *Exasperated* Now it’s warm with a twinge of cool air!

Dan: At least it’s a twinge in the right direction.

Me: *Shakes head* I can’t win.

Folks, our lives may be super boring right now but we can at least entertain ourselves. Even our spats are funny. We certainly do have little everyday adventures. I’m thankful for my husband and the little life we share- even if it’s nothing like what we planned, I think it’s better than we could’ve planned.

Thank you for sharing in our adventures, the exciting ones and the boring ones. Thank you for your prayers and your support. Please know that we are truly grateful for you and we hope that you enjoy your peaks into our little life. Hopefully soon we’ll be back to having adventures and being more interesting. šŸ˜‰ We’re sending our love and we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.

Until next time,













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