A Change in the Name

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to drop you a note and let you know that I have converted Dan and De Go On An Adventure to It’s a DanDe Life! This is a new lifestyle blog (a dream come true for me, really) and I’ll still be sharing all our great adventures with you!

In the new blog I plan to discuss the fashion tips and tricks I’m learning, share my health and fitness journey with you, as well as talk about our adventures and military life in general. I’m hoping to really encourage you and bless you with this new blog.

So, if you haven’t done so already, please go check out It’s A DanDeLife I look forward to reading your comments and connecting with you over there!



Brussels,Belgium not Brussel Sprouts

Hey everyone! I have an awesome adventure to tell you about today. This Saturday I went to Belgium! I still can’t get over how I can be in another COUNTRY within an hour (France is only about 45 minutes away, although it was about 4 hours to Brussels) and how blessed I am to live in Europe! Regardless, I  figure I would share some of my adventures from Belgium!

To begin, I went with my new (good) friend Jamie. Within knowing each other for 12 hours, we went on a trip together- I count that as friendship. One of the best things about military life is that you learn to find your tribe quickly, and it’s amazing to meet other adventurous wives. Honestly, some of the most amazing individuals I have met have been my military/wife friends.

So, it was a LONG day but so worth it. We left post at 02:45am and didn’t get home until about 03:00am the next day! However, I would do it all again because I can now say I have one country off the bucket list! Please allow me to freak out/ excitedly tell you about this wonderful quick adventure I was blessed to experience!

When we got to Brussels the first thing that came to my mind was “WOW!” It is BEAUTIFUL. Don’t get me wrong the city has some dirtiness to it but it’s easy to overlook since the city is so old and has so much breathtaking beauty. I seriously thought I was just going to spend the day taking photos of the beautiful old roads and buildings (which I half did). Anyway, the first thing Jamie and I did was go to Saint Michael’s Cathedral where the Belgium royal wedding was held. The gothic architecture was incredible and it felt impossible to fully soak in all the beauty.

The next things on the list were the Mannikin Pis (the most famous statue of a little boy peeing) and the Grand Place. While the Mannikin Pis was cute (he has over 1,000 different outfits and at the beginning of the day was dressed but then naked by the end of the day), it was pale in comparison to the Grand Place. The Grand Place is beyond gorgeous. The architecture, romance, and purely ornate buildings with the gold and intricate details- I can’t explain it. I looked at Jamie and simply laughed as I held my arms out and spun around saying “Can you believe this?!” I believe that the courthouse is there since we saw about 5 different wedding parties throughout the day.  Regardless, it was the most incredible square I have ever seen.

Thankfully Jamie was up for an adventure, so we spent a majority of the day exploring the city. There were chocolate shops on every street and so many cute cafes. We ended up finding one that had the best hot chocolate every (sorry Starbucks!). Though, the highlight of my day was being told that my French was good by a French woman (though I believe she was just being nice)- thankfully all my practice with these different languages is coming in handy.  We also enjoyed finding some of the cartoon buildings which are famous in Brussels! Apparently there are a lot of cartoonists in Belgium and they celebrate this fact by painting the sides of buildings with murals of the famous cartoons.

Thank you to everyone who continues to pray for us while we are on our crazy military life journey. It means so much to me when ya’ll tell me that you’re praying for Dan and I or when you ask how you can be praying for us. Please continue to pray for Dan while he is away on mission. It’s hard to go and explore without him (though he totally encourages me to go and explore/adventure while he’s gone) and quite frankly, I miss him more than I let on. Please also continue to pray for me as I wait (sometimes impatiently) for Dan to come home and try to keep things in order around here.

Thank you for letting us share our story with you! We love you all and wish you enough.



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While Dan’s Away, De Stays Busy

Hey everyone! I hope you’re enjoying your summer. Europe has finally yielded to the season and it’s finally warming up! It’s been almost a month since we last spoke and a lot has changed.

Since we last spoke, Dan has left on Mission (Army speak for mini-deployment). It’s been difficult with him gone, mostly because we had just moved in about 2.5 weeks beforehand. Thankfully we have some amazing friends and I like to think of myself as Wonder Woman (as you probably know by now if you’ve followed the blog) and with help I can say we’re settled (for the most part).

I was also able to go on a local adventure with our friends. I’m so grateful to them especially since Dan has been gone for all their help and welcoming me along on some adventures. Our first adventure (and probably most exciting) was some local castle ruins. I wish I could fully capture how beautiful it is here. And yes, European towns/villages are beyond charming (I’m hoping to soon capture more photos of our small village because it looks like something from a storybook). Regardless, we enjoyed the castle ruins and we all enjoyed imagining what life was once like in this old, historic country. Once we had finished exploring, we went to a pizza place near the local Air Force base for amazing food and probably the best dessert of my life.

My latest adventure was small but significant. My friend took me grocery shopping and explained all the prices, products, and procedures (yes, it’s done differently here). She also took me to Kik (pronounced like “kick”) which is an amazing, higher end dollar store. I was able to find a tea box (which doesn’t hold American tea as well since our packaging is bigger- yeah, found that out the hard way), a picture frame (I’m working on displaying our adventures in our home), and two rugs (one for the kitchen and one for the guest bathroom) all very inexpensively- and now I’m in love with Kik for when I need some small things around the house. 😉 I also discovered our local pond and walking trail (which I will explore another day) which apparently leads to more castle ruins.

Dan has been busy on mission, so all I can say about him is that he is busy, but doing well. He is ready to be home (and I’m ready to have him home) but Dan is tough (you probably knew that already) and he’s doing his best to be a good leader. I’m proud of him despite the fact that I miss him more than I can explain. Thankfully, both of us have remained busy and the time seems to passing only snail-like slow instead of “snail in the middle of winter through molasses” slow.

On a different note, I have learned some things about our humble new home. Our post was a former Nazi base, in fact, I’m told that it was Hitler’s training grounds. Some of the older buildings had swastikas that have been painted over (they’re illegal now), and some people have reported having them carved into their closets in some of the older apartments. There are also apparently dungeons somewhere on post that are open for halloween. There are others but they only open the one set for people to see. I’ve heard several other rumors, but those are by far the most interesting.

For those of you who are praying for us, THANK YOU. It’s been a hard for me to adjust to a new country, culture, and life without Dan so quickly and Dan has struggled with starting work only to go on mission so quickly. Please continue to pray for endurance for us as we patiently wait for Dan to come back home. Military life can be a challenge, but I must admit, it’s a fun challenge. We are truly blessed and are (for the most part) loving our new European life.

We love you all and wish you enough.



The Adjustment Period

Hey friends! I hope you’re doing well and that you’re enjoying spring. Life here in Europe has been quite an adventure these past 3 weeks, so I figured  it’s time to give you a little insight on what’s happening with Dan and I. 🙂

First things first, everything arrived! The same day I showed up, so did our household goods and it was a whirlwind. Honestly, the biggest pet peeve I have at the moment is that I can’t find my umbrella- maybe it got lost in the move… and I really need it here because it rains a LOT. Oh well, anyway, settling in has been slow for a few reasons. 1. We have a LOT of damage. Basically everything we own has damage of some kind and some of our things aren’t able to be used at this time (think dining room table), so that’s been hard. 2. I got a job! I started 4 days after landing and I LOVE IT! I work for a contracting company that runs a program that serves as an extra layer of security for our base- so basically I talk to people all day long and welcome them to our base or wish them the best as they move on and everything in-between. Finally, 3. Dan has been preparing for “mission” (Army speak for small deployment).

So combine all those factors and life has been insane. So after not even being in Europe for a month, Dan has left for mission. Thankfully it’s not terribly long but it could be a lot shorter. The hardest part of this for me is that I don’t have many friends here, so this is truly a time for me to spread my wings and stand out on my own. I’m grateful for the opportunity to stand on my own and take care of everything HOWEVER, I REALLY wish Dan could’ve stayed home until we had the house finished (we’re almost done).

While Dan is gone, I will have plenty to keep me busy. Between exploring with friends, trying to fix our internet (our large computer is currently on the coffee table because the internet doesn’t work upstairs -_-), getting the echo out of my home, and work… I’m HOPING mission passes quickly.

As for things that have been hard to get used to… all the recycling. I love it and hate it because I have to make sure everything is in their proper bins however, it’s totally worth it to save the planet. The language barrier isn’t as bad as Japan, and I have co-workers who are helping me practice my language skills (everyone in the building is bi-lingual!). The driving signs are weird as well! Thankfully though, we’re on the same side as the US- no more feeling like we’r’e going to drive into oncoming traffic like in Japan! (Yes, that was a very real thing.) Also, the windmills are beautiful especially with the yellow flower fields that have been blooming. I don’t have a good photo of them since we’re always driving when we see them, but if I find a spot to take a still photo- I’ll share it because it truly looks like something out of a storybook. I also adore all the little towns! Seriously, I don’t miss Walmart or Target (yet). The biggest store I’ve seen is Ikea and it is so much more amazing here than in the US (sorry America, Europe wins with Ikea- including the food.) Finally, I’m still not used to living on an Army base. I recently learned we have an artillery field nearby- by hearing large booms that scared me to death (I hate loud noises).

Overall, we haven’t had a lot of time to have a ton of fun or do much traveling yet. However, when Dan gets home we have already started making plans. 🙂 For those of you praying for us, please continue to do so. Dan is struggling with leaving for mission so quickly after arriving and I am struggling here since I was not fully set up before he left (had to go get my drivers license today!). Please pray that we both stay safe and healthy while we’re apart and that our reunion is sooner than we expect (dates fluctuate more in the Army it seems). Also, please be praying for me as I try to establish my tribe here and finish settling in as a whole. Finally, please pray that we can be a positive light in our community- showing and sharing the love of Christ with those around us.

We love you all and wish you enough.



Off We Go… Again

Hi friends! Wow it’s been a long time since we’ve talked. I figure it’s beyond time to update you- and I’ll explain why I’ve been so inactive on here lately (not that I post super often to begin with…). Anyway, last time we talked Dan and I were celebrating 5 years of marriage and we were preparing for our move to Europe. Well, now we’ve moved and I can tell you how things went. 🙂 Don’t worry, it’s Dan and I, so there’s always some type of adventure in there- and this is no exception. 😉

So to begin, the pack-out (where they come pack our stuff up) was awful. I don’t want to go into too much detail because it makes me truly upset (especially after seeing almost all our stuff getting marked up, scuffed, stained, smelly and broken like never before). However, it took the movers over 12.5 HOURS to pack and load us- and one of them got drunk. Once that was over though and we cleaned the apartment, we were out of Virginia and off to PA for a day or two before we began trying to see everyone we could before our move.

Dan took a month of vacation and in that time we went to seven, yes, SEVEN states. Texas, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, Washington D.C., Virginia, and North Carolina. To say we were exhausted after that is the biggest understatement I can make. To make matters worse, we still didn’t get to see everyone we had hoped to- we decided that saying goodbye is the hardest part of military life sometimes. We love all our friends and family but sometimes we can’t drive to them and it breaks our hearts. Anyway, once Dan’s vacation was up, he flew over here first. I was in a wedding (then went to Delaware and Maryland to see more family), so I stayed back for about two weeks.

When Dan arrived at our new home he had a lot to do. Ya’ll, he did amazing! He set up our address, bought and set up our cell phones, got us a townhouse, set up the wifi, set up household goods delivery, and got a car lined up for us. All while checking into the base and work. I’m proud of him- seriously, everything he has done is great.

If you’re curious, our townhome is 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, we have a one car garage with a large storage room, a mud-room area, open living room, dining room and a large kitchen.The strangest things about the home so far are: the master bathroom has the tub and it’s so deep that our shower curtain looks odd hanging up, we have a few motion censored lights which are highly sensitive and drive us crazy, there’s a lack of storage which is weird for military housing (which usually has an excess in storage), and I’m still trying to figure out how to use the appliances- which all but the stove are in German. However, I’ve only been here for about three days and I’m sure I’ll be able to figure it out or learn how to work them from someone else. 

Dan and I are simply happy to be together once again. We’ve been working hard on the house trying to get settled- the housing office comes to take the loaner furniture away on Tuesday (which will help with making this place feel like a home). We also have a list of items that got broken/damaged in the move and things we need to get from Ikea (apparently it’s even more amazing here than in the US- but I’ll let you know). I’m sorry there’s not too many stories to tell as of yet- but like I said, I did JUST get here and barely have the lay of the land (I know where the commissary is, the exchange, and the post office…). I will say, we’re on a mountain and I know it LOL. There’s hills EVERYWHERE and they’re not little hills either. In fact, when we went to the housing office to request they take the loaner furniture back, we walked all downhill to get there, needless to say, walking back was a bit tiring (about a mile away). Regardless, it is BEAUTIFUL here despite being a little colder than I’d like.

For those of you who are praying for us and following our military journey, THANK YOU. We love you and we’re beyond grateful for you. I ask that you pray for us as we continue to settle. There’s a LOT of negativity here (everyone says they hate it here) and we don’t want to fall victim to that negativity. Also, please pray for me as I try to settle in and potentially find work and try to learn a language or two. Finally, I’m asking that you pray that God will use us while we’re here.

We love you all and wish you enough.



5 years down… Forever to Go!

Hi friends! I’m so sorry this post is late. Life has been crazy and while I keep writing to you in my head- I figure it’s time to put those thoughts down for you to enjoy. 😉 So, as you’ve probably figured out from my title, Dan and I celebrated 5 years of marriage this past January! Can you believe it?! We certainly can’t- but we’re grateful for our journey together and with each passing year we’ve come to work together better and better. Honestly, our marriage is like a fine wine, getting better and better with each passing year. 🙂

So please allow me to share with you a recap of our 5th year of marriage. In our 5th year of marriage:

-Dan went to bootcamp (again)- this time for the Army.

-De began (and completed) IV Lyme therapy (and feels back to her old self!)

-Dan commissioned in the Army and is officially Lt. Dan. (ALL.THE.JOKES.)

-De was involved with 3 weddings.

-Dan re-enlisted his long-time friend into the Navy (he found a loophole of ANY Officer can perform the ceremony)

-We moved in 10 days (find a place, organize, and get there) for Dan’s training.

-We received orders and will move to Europe in the spring!!!! (Yes, it’s still exciting to us)

-We hosted Christmas for our parents at our apartment since it was halfway between them- and had a blast.

This past year was tough simply because we were apart so long and so often. However, the Lord is our strength and we managed to handle it well. We’re excited to see what our 6th year of marriage brings as we embark on yet another adventure. Ya’ll, I’m so happy I married my best friend- we truly have an amazing life.

Thanks for sharing life with us and please continue to pray for us as we prepare for yet another move. I love you all and wish you enough.



For This Day I Prayed

Hi friends! I hope you’re enjoying this holiday season. Thanksgiving is a time of reflection of all we have been blessed with. I have some serious blessings to share with you. I am finally human again!!! Okay, I was always human (or Wonder Woman, rather) BUT now.. I DO NOT HAVE AN IV TUBE COMING OUT OF MY CHEST!!!!! Can you believe it?! After 9 months of IV therapy, I can say I am done. While this doesn’t mean I’m in remission, it does mean I am quickly heading in the right direction and can move to oral antibiotics!

To say that I’m relieved is the biggest understatement of the year. In case you didn’t know, Power Lines, are not the safest things in the world. In fact, I had about 10 different ways I could die while going through treatment… and if I’m honest, a few life-threatening moments occurred (death by bubble anyone?). Overall, IV treatment taught me it’s okay to slow down and that God does give us seasons of rest in our lives.

That being said…. I’m so thrilled this season is over! I feel like I’ve been walking through the valley for a LONG time (3.5 years…) and I’m finally seeing the green pastures up ahead. All I can say, is to God be the glory because without my faith, I wouldn’t have made it this far. He is good all the time and all the time He is good. While I didn’t (and still don’t fully) understand why the Lord allowed me to go through this period, I do know that I have learned to rely on Him and where my true sense of worth comes from. However, I’m ready to return to my regularly scheduled life. 🙂

So, what’s next? First things first, I’m getting back into my workout routine! If you know me, you know I love running, insanity, barre, Piyo and the like. Before treatment I was doing one legged triceps push-ups- and while I probably won’t be doing any of those anytime soon-I lost a lot of upper body strength during treatment (but what did I expect? I couldn’t lift more than 5lbs…) I will be working on strength and endurance. So please be praying I give myself grace and patience to bounce back after this (mandatory) season of rest. 🙂

Medically speaking, and this is the best part, I go back to my doctor on March 19th. That’s right ya’ll, no more monthly visits! I have an oral protocol to follow until then and that’s it! Once I see him on March 19th I will be entering into the maintenance stage! God really knows what He’s doing timing wise since we’ll be moving to Europe in April. And for those of you wondering, I will have a phone consult or two with my doctor until I am considered in remission and released from care. So- there will be no need to worry about visits, medications, ect!

If you are wondering how I’m feeling now that it’s all over. I am relieved. I am happy. I am alive. I am thankful. Most importantly, I am me. As I told my doctor, I feel like me again! I feel like it’s okay to dare to dream about my future because now I have a bright future to look forward to!

To those of you who have prayed for, encouraged, and uplifted me these last several years, THANK YOU! Your love and support means more to me than I can express in mere words.

I hope you continue to follow our journey as we prepare for our next big life adventure: Europe! I can’t wait to share all our adventures with you!




Counting Every Blessing

Hey everyone! I pray you are enjoying your fall. Is it just me or did fall literally come in a day? Seriously, it was in the 80’s here and then it just plummeted to the low 70’s to even the high 50’s. Where did my 75 degree weather go?! Anyway, that’s not what I’m here to write you about- you know the weather. Instead, I’ll share my heart with what God is doing in our lives.

So let’s start with this: you all know that Dan graduated from OCS and is now officially Lt. Dan! (See last post- and yes, he’s gotten at least 10 Forest Gump meme’s on Facebook alone LOL- no I did not post a SINGLE ONE.) Well, now he is in VA for training- till March. Logic would dictate that he would be put up into a hotel and that I would visit when I could (which I do anyway but I’m getting ahead of myself). However, upon arrival he was informed that he would be required to PCS (MOVE) to VA for training- oh and there’s no availability on base. (Are you seeing the panic here? Because there was slight panic…). So… Dan and I took a couple of DAYS (Literally 2 days) and found a lovely apartment about 10 minutes from base. Within 10 days we found our place, signed the lease and MOVED OUR STUFF to our 3rd FLOOR apartment. Shout out to our parents who didn’t complain once and were willing and happy to help us out.

Now that we’re mostly moved in, we really like it. However, we’ve decided not to fully unpack since we will be moving in about 5 months anyway… have to love living half unpacked. To give you an idea, our movies are in a tote and I have no plans to take them out of said tote just to put them back in the tote to move again. The good news is that even with only being “partially moved-in” I would say that it still has a “home” feel to it.

But would you like to know the best part? I (as in me, De) am not fully moved in. Instead, I have clothes here and things still in NC. So over the next few months I have to finish moving in with Dan. It’s been made interesting since I still have my port in my chest. I can live with Dan through the week but I have to see my mom by Sunday for a dressing change. So, it’s interesting around here to say the least. We travel literally every weekend.

HOWEVER, I have news for you all!!! Yes- I’m so excited I can barely contain myself. I am asking for prayer as I FINISH IV THERAPY!!!!!! Let me make this even better, On November 29,2018 at 8am I have surgery to NO LONGER BE A CYBORG!!!!!!!! Can you even comprehend this?? I will be able to go for a run and take a real shower- no more washing my hair over the side of the tub!!!!! I can’t begin to say how excited I am, and quite frankly I doubt anything I write could completely convey it.

So God has answered my prayers! I am finally going to be free of my port and back to only oral antibiotics to finish beating this Lyme beast down! But wait… there’s more news!!! Seriously ya’ll, God is blessing us in ways I could only dream of! So let me fill you in on our even more amazing news!

As ya’ll know, Dan is in the Army and one of the great joys (agonies) of military life is never knowing where you’re going next. For the last several months I have stayed with my family while Dan has been in training and now we are on the East Coast while he finishes his school for his new job. It’s been a long haul, but we’ve been waiting for orders to know where we’ll be living for the next few years. Seriously, the wait was agony and it was the day Dan was going to write his Detailer (Man who gives us orders) and request his top 5 choices with explanations. BUT GOD (ya’ll know this is my favorite saying)… BUT GOD went before Dan. He got orders!!


That’s right! We’re moving to Europe for 3 years! It’s a dream come true and we’re beyond excited.

Thanks for sharing in our journey. Soon you’ll be getting stories from across the pond! We love you all and wish you enough.





4 Years Down … A Lifetime To Go


Hey everyone!! So, I’m almost a month late with this post (sorry, life has been crazy and I’ll explain.)

August 30th was our four year wedding anniversary. It’s been an incredible 4 years and I can’t wait to see where our story continues to take us.

In our 4th year of marriage:

  • Dan Graduated from UMUC with a Legal Studies Degree.
  • De began intensive Lyme treatment (she’s almost done!).
  • Dan went to Army Bootcamp (because the Navy bootcamp experience wasn’t enough..).
  • De was in 3 weddings (with two more coming up).
  • Dan went to Officer Candidate School in Ft. Benning, GA.
  • De went to Ft. Benning, GA any weekend she could.
  • We have been apart for about 7 months.
  • We have no idea when we’ll actually get to live together again.
  • We always make the most of our weekends together.

So there you have it! Our 4th year of marriage, highlights LOL.

The reason this post has been delayed is that shortly after our anniversary Dan graduated from OCS. This means, that he is officially an Officer in the United States Army- something he has been working on for the past three years. To say I’m proud is an understatement, I’m amazed by the man I married. I have sat back and wondered why he chose me to take this journey with and then I’m grateful I get to stand behind him.

Dan is heading to VA for more training and then we will receive our first duty station with the Army! It’s crazy to think that soon we’ll be off on our next adventure!!! Can’t wait to share all the upcoming military life stories with you.




When I Say “Bring It On”

Hey everyone! I can’t believe summer is almost gone. Seriously, didn’t it just begin? Normally, I’d be pretty bummed that warm weather won’t last much longer but this year, I’m actually looking forward to fall. Fall is when Dan is done with OCS and when I *should* get my chest PICC line out! So while normally, I’d be sad to see the warm weather go, I will embrace the cold with open arms this year- luckily yet unluckily I still have a few more weeks. 😉

So recently, I had my monthly Lyme appointment (YAY!). Before this appointment I had to have extensive lab work done (not just my weekly draw) and found out that I have about 8 things off hormonal and nutritionally. Luckily, it’s nothing that some vitamins won’t fix. However, it meant having to go into the appointment an hour earlier than planned so I could have an iron infusion before test dosing my LAST MEDICATION!!! Ya’ll… I’m on the home stretch with this IV!!! Can I get a “hallelujah” ??!! I may or may not be excited for this lol.

Well, let me tell you about this appointment because it’s kind of funny… in a sick humor type of way. (Get it, “sick” humor??… Okay, sorry I’m corny and I know it.) When they started my iron infusion the first thing out of my mouth was “Ugh, I can taste it. It’s really sweet!” This surprised my IV nurse and apparently it’s not normal to taste iron infusions… in fact I was the first person to ever tell her I could taste it. Go figure. Anyway, it took about an hour and I will say that since then I have felt a little better (though probably the sleeping pills help with that too- don’t worry I’ll explain). Once we were done with the iron infusion (which looked like chocolate by the way), we moved on to the new medication (don’t ask.. it’s a long antibiotic name that starts with a T and that’s about all I can remember). After my IV nurse mixed it up I stared at it- before I could say anything she remarks, “I know it looks like Gatorade” to which all I could say was “ummm.. I’ve never seen Gatorade that color”.  It was BRIGHT yellow ya’ll. I mean, glowing yellow.  If I don’t turn into a superhero from having this stuff injected into me, I’m going to be beyond disappointed.

Well, once the neon yellow liquid was gone I finally got to see the doctor. Have I mentioned that he’s just fantastical? Because he really is. I’m so blessed to have a doctor who really cares and knows what questions to ask. So, one of his first concerns for me was that I haven’t slept deeply in months. Okay, if I’m being real, probably years. Apparently, that’s not a normal thing- so he gave me some medication to help me stay asleep (I’ve been waking up for 15-20 minutes every morning at 3 for a while now). These pills are magic and I’m beyond grateful. It’s been two nights and already I can tell my body is resting. It’s great.

Overall the appointment went well and we added about 3 new medications along with my 7 new vitamins (on top of what I’ve already been taking) and now I’ll be doing 3 IV medications. Ya’ll, it’s about to get real. During the appointment they warned me that this was the “kill drug” for the Lyme and to brace myself because many (basically all) patients end up being extremely nauseous and vomit through this last phase. I’m not  sure what type of reaction they were expecting, but I can tell you it wasn’t my enthusiastic “Bring it on! Let’s do this!”.  They forget that we’ve already established that I’m a superhero (neon yellow medication people… if you’re not a superhero after that, I don’t know what qualifies you).

So what do I mean by “bring it on”? Well, for one it means I’ve got my warrior face on. It means I’m ready to face whatever this medication throws at me. I know that any discomfort, pain, or misery that comes is temporary and pales in comparison to the better days ahead. It means that I trust that God will be with me through this. Am I scared of these next few rounds? Why would I be? I have nothing to fear since I have Christ beside me. While the doctor and nurses didn’t paint a very pretty picture of these next few months, I refuse to let fear win.

In fact, in some ways I’m excited to feel utterly terrible. I know, I’m weird and it’s one of those “sick” things that’s hard to explain. However, with Lyme, when you feel like crap, your medications are working. Therefore, I’m praying for some serious sick days.

So to me, “bring it on” isn’t just  a battle cry it’s: rejoicing, strength, courage, inspiration, hope, excitement, steadfastness, and faith. While my doctor and nurses may not get my enthusiasm, I pray you do. Because ya’ll, I’m another step closer to having my life back!

Therefore, joyfully I proclaim “Bring it on!”


